We only had a few minor problems, as on the day of filming we always made sure that we had the microphone on. The main problem we came across was that Jenna could be seen in the reflection of a mirror in her room. However, this was easily solvable, as we had enough extra footage from different angles to create a sequence that flowed well without being able to see Jenna in the mirror.
Jenna and I both shared input into what takes to use and where to cut etc. We both found that most the time, we shared similar idea's, which was helpful as editing then took half the time we expected it to.
We decided to edit in order of how we filmed, rather than scene-by-scene, as they came in order of length, for example, one of the first scene's we edited was scene 14, Grace's death.
We had filmed footage for audio, so we had some silences without unwanted noise. We used this in the end scene's, as there was an unwanted hum from the microphone all throughout the footage. We used the audio from this footage, and it still provided us with atmosphere, therefore we were pleased that we made the decision to film this extra footage for audio on the day of filming.
The most difficult experience we had with editing was the school scene including Grace's friends. We found that Jenna and I both had strong views of how we expected the scene to look. Obviously it didn't happen as we expected as we are working with a next to nothing budget. Jenna and I worked to the best we had, we ended up with something similar to what we pictured.
This is what it looks like after adding effects:

After slowing the footage down and adding the 'cut', where we spliced the screen next to Zoe's shoulder, we added a blur. This created the effect of Grace being in focus, and her friends being blurred, this suggested that Grace is daydreaming and isn't focused in every day conversations anymore.
After we crossed this bridge, the only other problem we had was an issue with lighting. We decided that the art room scene wasn't as 'warm' as we wanted it to look.
Therefore we changed the colouring on the whole scene, this is how both before editing and after editing looked:
As seen, it is clearly a much warmer atmosphere in this scene, which was our aim as we wanted to portray Grace's happiness when she is in school away from her father.
This is another example of how we changed the lighting, this is how it was originally, and clearly in the finished product, it looks like a happier, warmer setting with the same change of colour as the shots above.
After this, we editied the lesson scene. The only problem we had with this is that the sound wasn't synced with the action. However, this is deliberate, as we wanted continuity to match, and as we edited the footage so that the sound in the clip before was slowed down and muffled, this problem was inevitable.
However, although the sound isn't synced for a minor part of the shot, we don't see the person speaking in this, therefore the sound doesn't look out of place.
After all the action was edited and cut together, I worked on the sound, mixing the levels with the cross dissolves on the end of the action. This was quick and easy, as they were skills I had picked up from my AS media course.
After this we made a decision on the music we would use. We used the popular website called unsignedbands.web to get copyright free music for our film.
We had a choice between two, and in the end decided that we didn't want a lot of music in our film, as we thought it would detract from the footage we had.
In the end, the music was helpful for us, as the beats of the music fitted with our footage very well. The music added the eeriness to the scene with Grace's father watching television, and for Grace's death.
Once the music had been added and mixed with the action, we started on Titles.
We deliberated on a number of ways to introduce the title at the beginning of the film. In the end, we chose to cut straight into action and have the title appear on Grace's door, and slowley fade to black. We did this to challenge forms and conventions in our film, and thought that it was more effective, as Grace looked more vulnerable cutting straight into action.
We decided that we wanted the font to be simple yet effective. We chose a black background and have the white title in a simple font. This is so the title reflected my postcard as well,
as I have a white background with a plain black and bold title.
We added a little bit of shadow to the font angling it to the right, and a purple hint to the colour, to match the theme throughout the film, so the title wasn't too boring and plain.

We chose to have the credits, including all the casts names and ours, at the end. We decided on this, as we didn't want to detract from the action at all, therefore we left it all until the final scene had faded to black. We then had the music continuing, as the credits rolled over them, we thought this was the most effective, to having no music at all during the credits.
Once this was all completed, we rendered the film, and that was the end of editing for 'Bruises'.
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